

Happy idiot walking on the grass
V.A.S.S.E.: Vigilant Android Skilled in Sabotage and Exploration


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26.07.2003 в 00:16

Hi there! How was your day?

Why don't you call me instead, Keith doesn't like me... :'(

Au revoir mon amour <3
26.07.2003 в 02:26

Happy idiot walking on the grass
So... It was you who called and hung up?! Don't do it again.

I'm not going to be home, like the rest of the evening, so... :( Keith might not like you, but he doesn't hate you either. Don't hang up--it's irritating.
26.07.2003 в 02:36

I did not call and hang up mon amour... :-/ call me whenever you have free time ^_^ (hint: I have free nights, from 9 pm until 6 am, and weekends in my cell)

Oh well if Keith doesn't like me, he is just being protective and doing his job because he cares about you. :-) But he must understand that I do too and I would never do anything that would be disrespectful in any way.
26.07.2003 в 07:09

Hi there! Been to my <a href="http://herrdnlr.blogspot.com/">blog</a> lately?
26.07.2003 в 22:21

Happy idiot walking on the grass
to make a link like that type"" name of site(take all the " and spaces away)
26.07.2003 в 23:27

Ah merci! ^^;; let's try that again:

Hi there! Been to my [url=herrdnlr.blogspot.com/]blog[url] lately?
27.07.2003 в 04:50

Happy idiot walking on the grass
Hmm... blog?

(tsk-tsk-tsk... Why can't guys follow simple instructions...)

P.S. take out the slash after ".com" dude...
27.07.2003 в 08:13

Oops, girls are smarter than boys ^^;;
27.07.2003 в 23:25

Happy idiot walking on the grass
You mean you just realized?!