Happy idiot walking on the grass
...Сегодня в очередной раз пришло прояснение. Я сдалась. Духовно. Ощутила что больше некуда идти, не о чём писать, не о чем... Даже кричать и стараться изменить этот мир--никак не получится... Да и надо ли? Просто от всего устала...

Ладно, нечего просто так сидеть, пошла сканить свои отстойные рисунки...

27.05.2004 в 02:23

talk to me... I want to figure things out...
27.05.2004 в 02:34

Happy idiot walking on the grass
Figure WHAT out? Me? Oh, believe me, I've tried for a loong time, and still no success... My attitude toward things at this point? Apathy. Big and complete.

It's really not like you can push the "restart" button and reboot the system... With "System Recovery" and all that stuff
27.05.2004 в 02:56

I still know what's going on...
27.05.2004 в 03:04

Happy idiot walking on the grass
Well... Then EXPLAIN it to me. 'Cause I'm lost.
27.05.2004 в 03:16

It's just that I want to help you solve things, you see different--something in your eyes and your smile. All I want to do is protect you and make you happy--never let anything or anyone hurt you. I was wondering what had brought this 'apathy' to you.
27.05.2004 в 03:32

*you look differebt